właściciele nieruchomości
26 February 2024
BTL landlords plan to stay in the sector
Despite bracing themselves for an 80% increase in the cost of borrowing, buy-to-let (BTL) landlords...
27 June 2023
Are BTL landlords ready for change?
With several major legislative reforms due to come into force, 2023 is set to be...
1 May 2023
Boom time for Buy-to-Let
Buy-to-let (BTL) lending remains strong as we head into 2023, with more than half of...

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Polisa na zycie Do you need to reassess your life insurance?
18 June 2024
When was the last time you reviewed your life insurance policy? It might not be...
Wynajmy wakacyjne Big changes to taxation of furnished holiday lets
18 June 2024
The Chancellor also announced the abolition of the Furnished Holiday Lettings (FHL) tax regime –...
Ulga w podatku Abolition of Multiple Dwellings Relief
18 June 2024
Elsewhere in the Budget, it was announced that Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) Multiple Dwellings...
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