
kredytu hipotecznego w UK
11 March 2024
Should I overpay my mortgage?
As a mortgage holder with some extra disposable income, the prospect of paying it off...
darowizna na depozyt
8 March 2024
Seek advice before making FTB gifts
Nearly one in five parents and grandparents who helped a family member buy their first...
rynku nieruchomości
6 March 2024
FTBs turn to ‘up-and-coming’ areas to get on the ladder
FTBs are prepared to compromise on their priorities to get a foot on the housing...
Bank Anglii
4 March 2024
BoE: Higher rates pushing people towards longer mortgage deals
The past couple of years have tested people’s resilience in the face of soaring inflation,...
właściciele nieruchomości
26 February 2024
BTL landlords plan to stay in the sector
Despite bracing themselves for an 80% increase in the cost of borrowing, buy-to-let (BTL) landlords...
Kredyt hipoteczny w UK
19 December 2023
What happens if I can’t pay my mortgage?
A mortgage is a serious commitment, and paying it back requires discipline and planning. But...
spłatę kredytu hipotecznego
15 December 2023
Extra hours to pay the mortgage?
In the face of rising bills, most advice to consumers tends to be focused on...
remortgage w UK
13 December 2023
Is it time to remortgage?
Remortgaging means changing your existing mortgage to a new deal, either with a new lender...
kredyt hipoteczny na emeryturze
8 December 2023
Paying a mortgage in retirement
Much ink is spilled discussing the difficulties that young people face to get onto the...

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Wzrost kosztów Family plans in question due to cost of living
28 August 2024
A whole generation could be on pause due to the cost-of-living crisis according to a...
Rynek nieruchomości Transaction process slowing down buyers
28 August 2024
An increase in buyer and seller activity means that the UK is expecting to see...
wartosc nieruchomosci Rail connectivity provides a house price boost
28 August 2024
The introduction of the Elizabeth Line has helped to hitch up house prices in areas...
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