Housing market

14 July 2023
What next for ‘mortgage prisoners’?
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has been reported to estimate more than a quarter of...
13 July 2023
Equity release rises again
Equity release is continuing to enjoy a spell in the sun, latest figures1 show, as...
Green mortgages
11 July 2023
Sustainable home improvements delayed
Another impact of the ongoing cost-of-living difficulties in the UK has been revealed: homeowners are...
4 July 2023
New-build premium leads to resell loss
One in eight new-build homes were resold at a loss in 2022, figures show1, with...
zakup nieruchomości
11 May 2023
Support with your 2023 property plans
Stamp Duty cuts, mortgage rate rises… 2022 was a topsy-turvy year in the property market....
przypadkowych ladlordów
7 May 2023
Rise of the ‘accidental landlord’
London has seen a growing trend for ‘accidental landlords’ in recent years, as more homeowners...
Green mortgages
4 May 2023
Green mortgages – still a mystery
As the UK economy moves towards being a net-zero emitter by 2050, the impact of...
1 May 2023
Boom time for Buy-to-Let
Buy-to-let (BTL) lending remains strong as we head into 2023, with more than half of...
swoje finanse
30 April 2023
Renters boost resilience with income protection
Almost three quarters of private renters do not hold any protection products, industry figures1 reveal,...

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Wzrost kosztów Family plans in question due to cost of living
28 August 2024
A whole generation could be on pause due to the cost-of-living crisis according to a...
Rynek nieruchomości Transaction process slowing down buyers
28 August 2024
An increase in buyer and seller activity means that the UK is expecting to see...
wartosc nieruchomosci Rail connectivity provides a house price boost
28 August 2024
The introduction of the Elizabeth Line has helped to hitch up house prices in areas...
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