Housing market

Mortgage Charter
30 November 2023
Mortgage Charter: a helping hand
Amid a turbulent mortgage market and with many experiencing cost-of-living difficulties, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has...
nieruchomości w UK
28 November 2023
Hope in the housing market
The Bank of England (BoE) has been raising Bank Rate at a rapid rate throughout...
29 August 2023
Staying put
The housing ladder has several stages – first home, family home… then what? Maybe nothing,...
24 August 2023
Holiday lets could face big changes
The government is planning a crackdown on short-term holiday lets, which could mean that homes...
22 August 2023
Retiring landlords leave a gap
Older buy-to-let (BTL) landlords are selling up in large numbers, new analysis suggests [1], leaving...
17 August 2023
Flats are back in demand
Agreed residential sales are now just 3% behind the last more normal pre-pandemic market of...
15 August 2023
Housing stock on the up
The number of residential properties up for sale has increased according to the latest data...
8 August 2023
Mortgage Repayments Rise
Buyers are paying up to 60% more on their monthly mortgage repayments compared to December...
1 August 2023
Ups and Downs of the Housing and Mortgage Markets
Summer is here and activity in the housing and mortgage markets is hotting up… and...

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Wzrost kosztów Family plans in question due to cost of living
28 August 2024
A whole generation could be on pause due to the cost-of-living crisis according to a...
Rynek nieruchomości Transaction process slowing down buyers
28 August 2024
An increase in buyer and seller activity means that the UK is expecting to see...
wartosc nieruchomosci Rail connectivity provides a house price boost
28 August 2024
The introduction of the Elizabeth Line has helped to hitch up house prices in areas...
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