Ensuring Your Life Insurance Policy Pays Out: A Customer’s Guide

2 April 2024


Life insurance is a crucial safety net for your loved ones, designed to provide financial security in the face of life’s uncertainties. As a policyholder, your role goes beyond simply purchasing a plan; it’s about ensuring that your policy accurately reflects your circumstances to guarantee support when you and your loved ones need it most. In this article, we’ll explore two critical areas where attention to detail can make all the difference in ensuring that your life insurance claims are paid out as intended.

Providing Accurate Information:

Misrepresentation is one of the leading reasons why claims may be denied, often due to inaccuracies or omissions during the application process. Here’s what you need to know to avoid potential issues:

Alcohol: If you’ve reduced your alcohol intake following medical advice, it’s crucial to disclose this information to ensure your cover is appropriate.

Weight: Accurate height and weight measurements are essential for calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI) accurately. Be sure to provide up-to-date information to avoid discrepancies.

Smoking and Vaping: Even occasional tobacco or vape use must be disclosed. If you’ve quit smoking, make sure to provide the date of your last use for accurate risk assessment.

Pre-existing Conditions: It’s vital to disclose any existing medical conditions and related symptoms. Depending on severity, additional premiums or alternative terms may be necessary.

Undiagnosed Symptoms: Any ongoing symptoms, even if not officially diagnosed, should be disclosed to ensure potential future claims are covered appropriately.

Familiarise yourself with the specifics of your policy, including covered conditions and severity definitions. If you have any questions about your plan, don’t hesitate to reach out to your adviser or insurance company for clarification, even if you’re not currently filing a claim.

The Importance of Confirming Your Details:

Confirming Your Details (CYD) is a critical step in ensuring the accuracy of your application and policy information before the policy is commenced, a process that most insurance companies require. Whether it’s through online account access, paper application forms, or online documents, confirming your details helps to ensure that all answers provided on the application form are disclosed correctly. Here’s why CYD matters:

Medical Information: You can update treatment details or report undiagnosed symptoms through CYD, ensuring that your policy remains relevant.

Leisure and Occupational Pursuits: Changes in recreational or professional activities should be reflected in your policy details to avoid coverage gaps.

Travel: Past or future travel plans may impact your plan, making it essential to keep this information up to date.

Financial Changes: Updates to your occupation or mortgage details can affect policy levels, emphasising the importance of accurate financial information.

Taking an active role in the CYD process before the policy begins helps maintain the integrity of your insurance policy. By staying informed and proactive, you can ensure that your policy aligns with your needs and circumstances from the start. It is also recommended that you review your plan periodically, especially after major life events such as marriage or divorce, childbirth, taking out or changing a mortgage, or changing jobs. This ensures that your existing policy remains relevant to your current circumstances.


As a life insurance policyholder, your commitment to accuracy and proactive engagement can make all the difference in ensuring that your insurance plan serves its intended purpose: providing peace of mind and financial security to those who matter most. By providing accurate information during the application process and actively participating in the CYD process, you can rest assured that your loved ones will be supported when they need it most.


🚨 Data accurate as of the date of publication – 02.04.2024

🚨 The above material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a sales offer or financial advice. Before taking out any insurance, credit agreement or other financial product, you should obtain individual advice on your requirements and the general terms of the contract.



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